
An audit is a systematic evidence gathering process. Non-financial audits of systems and processes involve periodic verifications to verify that a documented QHSE management system or industrial process is being effectively implemented.


They help validate compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Audits can also be used as an information tool to drive better business decisions.

Verify compliance and make informed business decisions

Technotex provides a range of auditing services to support businesses in quality, health and safety, social compliance and environmental management. These audits can form part of certification requirements, or be carried out independently to support specific business needs.


Our audits range in scope, from a consumer goods factory capability and capacity assessment, to one-off technical audits as part of a construction project, or verification of a commercial transaction, to a complete audit of a global quality management system on behalf of an industrial or consumer goods manufacturer.


Technotex auditors can assure compliance, for example with workplace health & safety regulations. They can also identify ways to assess product quality or improve performance, for example in the case of building energy audits.


Regular audits can be used as a tool for continuous improvement, or to drive change throughout the business. Our supplier and network auditing programs, for example, help businesses ensure their suppliers adhere to specific quality and social standards and processes.


Assessment Solutions

In today’s highly competitive market, owners, operators, and buyers need a vendor base that will partner with them to meet all aspects of production, from design and quality to product life cycle times and delivery requirements. However, how does your company effectively select new partners? Monitor the progress of existing vendors? And effectively work with vendors to keep the focus on quality over time?


A factory assessment audits the production capability and performance of a factory against proven quality principles. As such, the key criteria assessed are policies, procedures and records that would indicate the factory’s ability to deliver consistent quality management over time, rather than at one given time or only for certain products. Core areas and processes addressed by a factory assessment include:


  1. Quality Management System
  2. Proper Manufacturing Practice
  3. Product Control
  4. Process Control
  5. Personnel


Social Compliance Solutions

As companies expand their manufacturing and sourcing capabilities around the world, supply chain workplace conditions are increasingly scrutinized, particularly in developing countries. The conditions under which products are manufactured have become a dimension of quality and an important part of the business value intention. The lack of a process for managing risks related to supply chain social compliance can have a direct impact on a company’s financial results, especially for those organizations in consumer markets where image and brand names are critical assets.


The Technotex approach to social compliance recognizes that working conditions can be managed in a manner consistent with other elements of quality. The most effective compliance programs are comprised of three essential elements:


  1. An objective, measurable code of conduct standard that clearly defines expectations and requirements;
  2. Processes and controls at the company and manufacturing facility to manage activities and ensure compliance; and
  3. Independent on-site monitoring to verify compliance and the operation of compliance-related processes and controls.

Technotex utilizes recognized protocols for on-site monitoring, including confidential employee interviews, record testing, observations and management feedback. With a multi-pronged approach, monitors are able to consider various sources of information and utilize proven investigative techniques to consolidate evidence.